Nikolaos is a soil scientist expert with a proven experience on projects and activities related to Artificial Intelligence. In the past 6 years, Nikolaos has been involved in research and innovation projects for the development of new observational modalities for soil monitoring and informed decision making exploiting computational intelligence techniques, new sensor concepts (thermal) as well as state of the art and novel observational platforms (satellites, distributed sensing) He has served in the role of a technical member in several projects including the development of Earth Observation (data infrastructures, physical process models and deep learning algorithms to demonstrate the use of EO in integrated monitoring of water food crop nexus, land degradation neutrality, and precision agriculture His research is focused on the challenges regarding the integrat ion of data from spaceborne and airborne with in situ based measurements, through explainable artificial intelligence modelling, to develop innovative operational services at different spatial scales He has also relevant teaching and supervising experience in the fields of soil science, land degradation, artificial intelligence and EO data analysis
- Develop interpretable AI techniques to support informed decision-making in agriculture
- Investigate multidimensional and integrated sensing approaches (e.g., in situ and spaceborne) using AI techniques
- Develop programs for efficient use of soil resources
- Improve capacities for soil health monitoring and mapping using heterogenous Earth Observation data
Nikolaos Tziolas - Research Publications
- Online analysis of Amazon's soils through reflectance spectroscopy and cloud computing can support policies and the sustainable development
JJM Novais, BMD Melo, AFN Junior, RHC Lima, RE de Souza, VF Melo, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 375, 124155
- Online analysis of Amazon's soils through reflectance spectroscopy and cloud computing can support policies and the sustainable development
- Promote educational programs in climate smart agriculture (e.g., carbon farming)
- Increase public awareness of climate smart agriculture issues
- Promote and establish Co-Design Living Labs to bring people with technological and research skills together with stakeholders from the agricultural domain
- Nikolaos Tziolas - UF/IFAS Publications
No UF/IFAS Publications Available For Author Nikolaos Tziolas
Dr. Nikolaos Tziolas, Assistant Professor
Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC)
2685 SR 29 North Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 658 - 3448 | Website-
- Ph.D. Soil Science and Artificial Intelligence, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (AUTH), 2022
- M.S. Geo Information, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2015
- B.S. Agricultural Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (AUTH), 2013
Professional Experience
- Feb 2023 - Present
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida - Nov 2015 - Feb 2023
Research Associate, Interbalkan Environment Center (i-bec), Greece
- Feb 2023 - Present
Awards and Honors
- European Commission Innovation Radar Recognition: Hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence for automatic identification of grapes’ maturity level, 2022
- European Commission Innovation Radar Recognition: Green Performance Monitoring tool for CAP monitoring and for farmers, specifically for non productive EFAs (ecological focus areas), 2021
- European Commission Innovation Radar Recognition: Low cost in situ soil scanning system (spectroscopy) for ground truth soil observations, 2021
- Representative for Regional Champion Spectroscopy Laboratory (Europe and Mediterranean) of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2020
- Nominated in ESA Earth Observation Entrepreneurship Initiative, 2016
- 2nd place in Copernicus Master Award, 2016
- Scholarship from the Greek National Institute of Scholarships, success of high entry 10%, 2007
- Publications
Other Professional Activities
- Member at European Soil Partnership
- Member at European Soil Observatory Working Group for Soil Erosion
- Member at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Working Group P 4005 Standards and protocols for soil spectroscopy
- Member at the Greek Society of Agricultural Engineering
- Member at the Geotechnical Chamber