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Southwest Florida Research & Education Center

Southwest Florida Research & Education Center

Entomology: HLB Database

Huanglongbing (HLB) Database

P. Vanaclocha1, H. A. Arevalo1, A. B. Fraulo1, G. Snyder2, P. A. Stansly1

1Southwest Florida Research and Education Center. IFAS / University of Florida. Immokalee, FL
2Florida Center for Library Automation. Gainesville, FL


The Citrus Greening Database is a cooperative effort between the University of Florida/IFAS and the Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA) and is made possible by funding from the Florida Citrus Production Advisory Council (FCPRAC). Our objective is to collect information from around the world related to huanglongbing disease (Citrus greening) and compile and centralize it in a user friendly database that can be easily accessed by everyone.

The database is a dynamic project which is updated periodically with references for the most recent publications and will be expanding overtime. The majority of the citations contain links to the original article. To request an article that is not yet linked, or if you would like to contribute information or have questions or suggestions please contact us at

HLB Bibliographic Database Story [pdf]

Online Searches

Visitors can select to use basic or advanced searches. Some important pointers to keep in mind are:

  • Use the "?" sign to retrieve or look for words that have a similar stem
  • "Citr?" Will retrieve information with key words containing Citrus + Citri + Citric….
  • Omit all accents and punctuation marks (except "?" in the case of truncation as cited above)
  • Do not use abbreviations when looking for journals
  • Make sure spelling is correct


We would like to ask for your help to expand and update the Citrus Greening Database. If you have recently published papers on a related topic, we invite you to send us an electronic copy of the abstract and a list of keywords expanded beyond those found in the journal. A comprehensive list of keywords will facilitate the retrieval of your article. Since this is an open database we must adjust to copyright law, some features might be limited to some patrons. The database will only be able to link to reprints from non copy-righted journals (such as Florida Entomologist) or to PDFs of articles published by federally employed scientists. We will provide a link to the UF-library where you will have greater access to full texts, but to enjoy this feature you must be part of WebLuis (The Library User Information Service of the State University System of Florida).

The database has been organized using the program Endnote as a platform. Sending the information in this format will enable us to incorporate your references into the database more quickly.

As part of this initial phase we would like to suggest some guidelines so we can manage this project in the most efficient way.

Major contributors will be recognized in the database. This includes everyone who sends a significant number of complete references not already listed.

We are manually imputing the information for these references since most commercial databases have strict copyright restrictions.. It would help us greatly if you would please check your own references for errors, updates, abstracts or keywords. Also, please let us know if mistakes were made on existing references, or you would like to expand your reference by adding a summary or a link to the publication.

Due to copyright restrictions, please do not send information downloaded from commercial databases (dot com websites such as:,,…), unless you have a letter of permission to make this information public. Most databases and search engines include a small print warning about the use of their information.

EndNote is the preferred system to send your references to us. The use of this system will speed up the process of including your references into the database.


Thanks to Dr. Sanford Porter from USDA-ARS in Gainesville, FL for the example presented by the FORMIS database and all the advice in reference to copyright material and database management and to Dr. Joseph M. Cicero from University of Arizona for the original suggestion of constructing this database.

We welcome new ideas and suggestions. If you would like to get news, information updates, or would like to participate on the tests of the database, please contact us at


HLB's Extension Publications

HLB - UF/IFAS Publications
Citrus Diseases - UF/IFAS Publications